CAS Clubs
american chemical society
This is an undergraduate society dedicated to NYU Chemistry/Biochemistry students and enthusiasts. We conduct numerous activities for academic and professional development, as well as community outreach for charity and to spread our shared love for the science.
Events: Research Mixers, National Chemistry Week at WSQ, Graduate/Undergraduate Mentorship Programs, "Dinner with a Professor" series, Tours of Industrial Chemistry Facilities, Breweries, Wine Tours, Study Slams, Apparel Sale
American medical students association
AMSA NYU chapter hosts events throughout the semester open to all students interested in healthcare. Our events give students the opportunity to meet and talk with healthcare professionals, get hands on experience, and navigate the pre-medical track.
Events: Blood Drives, MCAT Test Prep Sessions, Pre-Health Panels, Suturing Clinics
anthropology undergraduate student association
Our goal is to facilitate and encourage interest in anthropology, and to showcase the multi-faceted nature of the discipline. We hold bi-monthly events and meetings. If you are interested in Sociocultural Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology, or some combination of the four, this is the club for you!
Events: Panels with Professors & Graduate Students, Outings to NYC Museums and Cultural Activities, Discussions
Bugs open source at nyu
BUGS applies open source practices that benefit education, advocacy, development, and involvement in the computer and technology communities. We promote and practice the ideals of Open Source through first hand experience with project participation and speakers using open source in different industries. All backgrounds and skill levels welcome!
Events: Web Design & Development Workshops, Open Source Crash Course, Github Workshops
cams on campus
CAMS on Campus is a student-run organization that serves as a liaison between the students and the professors of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Studies program at NYU. Overall, our goal is to promote the mission of CAMS: spreading awareness of child & adolescent mental health and public health issues.
Events: Stress Busters, Volunteer Opportunities, Career Panels, Mixers, Discussions
We are the primary representatives, advocates, and liaisons to the CAS Community- its administration, faculty, alumni, and students- as well as to the rest of NYU. We have a two-fold mission: Student Advocacy and Programming. We strive to gather and express student opinions, actively represent student views, appropriately address student concerns, and provide a forum for the student voice. We also work to create and continue social traditions and programs designed to foster cohesiveness within the entire undergraduate population.
Events: Upstander Dialogue, Student-Alumni Debate, Student-Alumni Banquet, Bake Sales, NYDM, Student-Faculty Banquet, Declaration Day, Stress Busters, CAS Formal, Bagel Fest, Transfergiving, All-U Games, Town Halls
Meetings: Tuesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pm in new CAS Building, 25 West 4th st, 2nd Floor
We are the on campus community for all international students who are passionate about finance and are looking to pursue a career in this industry. Our alumni network covers every corner of New York and Hong Kong.
Events: Panels, Mentorship Networking Events, Mixers
Salvete, omnes! Or χαίρετε, πάντες! Welcome to Classics Club, where we meet weekly to talk about the Classical world, enjoy presentations from fellow students, and enjoy each other's company and some good food! Whether you are a Classics major, took Latin in high school, or just really enjoyed Percy Jackson as a kid, this club is a welcoming and friendly place to learn and engage with the Classical world.
Events: Trips to Museums & Plays, Lectures, Book Clubs, Language Practice Sessions
Meetings: Fridays, 2pm in the Classics Department (Silver Center, 503)
Delta Epsilon mu
Delta Epsilon Mu (DEM) is the nation's premier co-ed professional pre-health Fraternity centered around the pillars of loyalty, dedication, friendship, and support. In 1996, DEM was founded at Binghamton University with the goal of uniting students interested in entering various health professions. The founding Members's goal was to create an organization which could serve undergraduate students by exposing them to professionals from various health fields. A large part of DEM's interests are focused on serving the community by uniting people of different age groups, ethnicities, religions and ideologies, who were all joined by a common interest in the health fields.
In the Fall of 2020, ten students founded NYU's first all-encompassing co-ed pre-health fraternity. Our Chapter's goal is to develop well rounded leaders in various in various health fields including but not limited to physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, public health, psychology, health administration, and more. As a brotherhood, we have pledged not only to support each other in our various health-field pursuits, but as well as all other aspects of life.
The Fine Arts Society is a student-organized CAS club with the goal of creating a community of students interested in art history and all visual culture. The group publishes a newsletter at the beginning of every month during the academic year, with information on mostly free arts-related events in and around New York City happening that month.
Events: Museum & Gallery Visits, Walking Tours, Lectures, Symposia, Film Screenings, Study Party, Career Symposium
The goal of the NYU French Club is to foster community, develop passion, and increase interest for the French language and culture within the NYU community. The club will offer an environment in which individuals with a passion for the French language and/or culture can befriend other French speakers and help one another grow. The club will also offer numerous events monthly that will allow students to learn more about the French language and culture and will enable them to practice speaking French in a stress-free environment. The club initiatives will help create an inclusive community because its acceptance of all levels of French speakers, from beginner to fluent, and with varying levels of understanding of French culture will create a sense of inclusion and companionship for people who wish to learn and improve their French capabilities. This will build interest within the community and establish a foundation for the club, as we want students to know that this club is a safe space where they can reignite their interests in French, regarding both the language and culture, in a non-classroom setting.
Events: Study Sessions, Mixers, Game Nights, Food Nights, Café et Conversations, Crêpes & Play
New York University’s Grey Matters Journal Chapter of The National student-run Neuroscience publication
Guitar fingerstyle club
The History Society aims to serve as a multi-tiered resource for undergraduates, offering opportunities in career advancement, educational empowerment, and mentorship. In doing so, our leadership board hopes not only to foster personal growth and leadership among its members but also to maintain the sustainable growth of the History Department at large.
Events: Mixers, Movie Nights
Ink & Image is the Art History Department's student-run, student-published academic journal, for original research in the field of visual arts. The completed publication will is sent to libraries across the world, which in the past have included: the Getty Research Institute Library, the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library, the Technical University of Dresden, the British Library, and the Bibliothèque nationale de France. This is a rare opportunity to get your original research workshopped, published and circulated. Having a published article as an undergraduate student will give you a competitive advantage when applying for higher education and jobs in the art industry. We highly encourage you to take advantage of this resource!
Events: Ink and Image (Academic Journal)
The International Relations (IR) Society at NYU is an undergraduate club in CAS partnered with the Politics Department. It seeks to bring together International Relations, Politics, Economics, and Area Studies majors/minors as well as anyone else interested in international affairs. We hope to further students' academic and career development, facilitate networking and friendships, and provide an open forum for discussion.
Events: Panels, IR Application Workshops
International students club
The CAS International Student Club (ISC) serves to create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for international students at CAS through a range of multicultural and interactive events. The initial transition into NYU can be difficult, especially when coming from abroad, which is why it is our goal to help international students integrate themselves into New York and act as a catalyst for future friendships. So if you’re interested in event planning and want to meet new people come join the ISC!
Events: Movie Nights, Boating Excursions, Game Nights, Service Events
Meetings: Fridays, 4-5 pm, study room at Bobst
Ciao Ragazzi! We are a club welcome to any NYU student who wants to discuss and learn more about Italian culture! Students can share their interests and experiences with Italian culture, whether it be delicious cuisine, Italian cinema, or exploring the language.
Events: Game Nights, Restaurant Nights, Museum Trips, Discussions, Cooking Sessions
We host faculty, external and student talks and discussions open to all undergraduate and graduate students. Our goal is to form a close and productive community for math majors at NYU.
Events: Board Game Nights, Visits to MoMath, Lectures, Panels, Conferences
Meetings: Wednesdays, 5-6PM in Room 512, Warren Weaver Hall
The NYU Peer Undergraduate Mentorship Program aims to support women in STEM fields by pairing Freshman and Sophomore undergraduates with Juniors and Seniors in their field of interest. Mentors help guide underclassmen through their first years at NYU by offering advice on classes, research, and student life, and major in a variety of STEM fields. The aim of the mentoring program is to help underclassmen in large first year classes and offer upperclassmen students a chance to give back and promote their passion for STEM. Our mentors aim to help the mentee gain insight on the STEM major path. The program aims to help students see past the first year challenges that all STEM majors struggle through, looking instead towards the benefits and rewards of continuing in the field. PUMP also provides mentors with networking opportunities in their prospective career fields and areas of research.
Events: Major Mixers, Undergraduate Research Panels, Career Panels, Discussions, Free Food & Coffee Events
The purpose of this Fraternity is to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement; so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service.
Events: Professional Events, Mixers, Mock LSATs
Phi Delta Epsilon is an international medical fraternity that fosters a community for those who are on the journey to medical school. PhiDE NY Theta chapter volunteers with Children's Miracle Network hospitals, fundraises for CMN, hosts discussions led by doctors and researchers, supports a peer-tutoring network, offers guidance, holds field days, organizes social events, and much more. We enable you to make lifelong friendships with fellow pre-med students who will one day become physicians of integrity like yourself.
Events: CMN Benefit Dinner, Blood Drives, Krispy Kreme Fundraisers
Philosophy forum
Undergraduate Philosophy Club at NYU
We host talks, conferences, social events and more
All students are welcome.
The Pre-Dental Society’s mission is to provide an outlet where students can explore the dental profession.
Events: Mixers, 'Talk with a Dentist', Panels, DAT Info Sessions
PSYchology Student Society
Are you a neuro-enthusiast? How about an aspiring Neural Science major? Join the NYU Society for Undergraduate Neural Science (SUNS) where you can engage with various neuroscience activities on- and off-campus. SUNS provides students and faculty of all backgrounds to engage with neural science topics in fun and exciting ways. We annually plan trips to museums, speaker events, and service events - all neuro-related to stimulate your brain!
Events: Study Slams, CNS Undergraduate Research Festival, Career Development Panels, Research Fairs
Public policy Student board
Are you a neuro-enthusiast? How about an aspiring Neural Science major? Join the NYU Society for Undergraduate Neural Science (SUNS) where you can engage with various neuroscience activities on- and off-campus. SUNS provides students and faculty of all backgrounds to engage with neural science topics in fun and exciting ways. We annually plan trips to museums, speaker events, and service events - all neuro-related to stimulate your brain!
Events: Study Slams, CNS Undergraduate Research Festival, Career Development Panels, Research Fairs
women in computing
The New York University chapter of the Society of Physics Students is a nationally-recognized chapter of the American Institute of Physics. NYUSPS retains a very loyal following. The SPS board cultivates mentorship among NYU undergraduate physics majors through its Mentorship Program, works closely with advisers and faculty to enhance and perfect the undergraduate curriculum, and participates in undergraduate research representing all NYU Physics departments.
Events: Lectures Series, Discussions, Outings, Research Fairs, Workshops, Outreach
Meetings: Thursdays, 7pm, 726 Broadway 1067